Wednesday, January 15, 2014

God Feels

It has been a while since my last blog. So much seems to be happening in our lives. So many questions about Poncho's health and which direction to turn. I know that we will eventually look back and see God's perfect provision throughout all of this. It always makes my heart smile when I finally figure out what He's been up to. I have also heard of so many people around me suffering from many losses, whether it be the death of a loved one, an illness, a loss of a marriage, and today a family that lost everything in a house fire. My heart aches for all of these people.  

I am reading a book called The Beloved Disciple. Tonight as I read, I couldn't help but think of not only Poncho, but also the people around me suffering. I know I have stated before that sometimes we wonder where God is during our suffering.  I am here to tell you that He is not only in the midst of it, but He FEELS our suffering. How do I know this? Because His word tells me. Matthew 26:38 are Jesus' words to His disciples the night of His betrayal when He went to Gethsemane to pray. He told them "My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death.  Stay here and keep watch with me." The disciples saw their leader as they has never seen Him before.  Filled with so much anguish that His sweat looked like blood drops falling to the ground. He even asked His Father in Mark 14:36 to take this cup from Him, yet not what I will, but what you will. He was filled with emotion....He felt. Even though it may have seemed to the disciples that He had become weak...He was still the same God they had been following through their many journeys. the same God who healed the sick, raised the dead and performed countless miracles. Beth Moore puts it so beautifully...."He was not falling apart, He was falling to His knees and that takes strength."  She states "Jesus is the precise image of God." Which means God feels. 

The point that relates to us is that God feels for us....he feels our suffering. He suffers alongside of us. When things become so overwhelming and we are faced with sorrow that we feel like we can't is ok to ask the cup to be spare us from our trouble. Jesus asked this of His Father that night. But the most important thing Jesus said is not my will, but your will be done. He accepted his fate that He had known about before He made his appearance into this world in a manger. My friends if your cup is more than you think you can bear....ask for it to be passed. But, if it something that cannot be passed because it is God's perfect will...just remember that He is with you and He feels. 

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