Friday, February 21, 2014

Dusty Ministries

What do you think of when you see the picture below? A place that is actively therefore gets dirty?  Or a place that hasn't been used in a long it has collected dirt and dust through the years? If your answer was the second one, you are correct. This is a picture I took as I was sweeping out our choir loft at church today. So often as I am cleaning, The Lord uses that time to talk to me. Today as I swept this pile of dust and dirt I heard "how beautiful!" beautiful? How is this beautiful? Well, let me explain. This choir loft has not been used for several years. By several...I mean a lot. I sang here many Sundays and enjoyed fellowship many Sunday afternoons here with other choir members. Over the years this sweet part of our church has been forgotten. Until now! A few weeks ago it was announced that we will be starting our choir again. We have gained a wonderful woman of God who has so graciously and ambitiously taken on the roll of worship leader and choir director! We praise God for her! It excited me to climb back there and sweep the dust off the floors because I knew that meant the renewal of something special! 

I can't help but think what other areas of our churches need to be swept off and prepared for renewal? Is there a Sunday school class that needs renewed? Maybe a youth room that needs to be prepared for young people. What ministry in your church needs to be dusted off and brought back to life? And who better to get it started than you? 

I want to clean a church full of dirt because so many people have trodded on the floors throughout the week. Let's clean the dust off these ministries and put some life back into our churches. Everyone has a place in the church(and I'm not talking about your Sunday morning pew). We all have a ministry that God has equipped us to be a part of. Dust off and get to work!

Monday, February 10, 2014

My whole life I've just wanted to be just like you

"My whole life, I've just wanted to be just like you."  These are the words that so casually came out of my 19 year old daughter's mouth a couple of days ago. Talk about being taken a back...I just sat there and wondered "why in the world would you want to be like me?" I have made mistake after mistake in my life. I have lost control over my emotions over and over. I have days where it's hard to get out of bed and face my daily tasks. This honestly blew my mind and in someways made me feel a little guilty. Guilty because I'm not always someone to strive to be like. It made me think of situations I wished I would've handled better. Times when I should have had more patience or spoke kinder words. It really affirmed a lot of things I've heard over the years about how our children look at us.  They imitate our actions. I hope through all the mistakes I've made over the years, that my kids can look back and know that I loved them with everything I had. And for the times I have let them down or hurt them, I am sincerely sorry. You have been one of the greatest gifts God has given me and I strive to be more like the both of you. ❤