Sunday, September 1, 2013

Some of the greatest lessons I learn are from a child

The last couple of weeks I have been  trying to mentally and emotionally prepare myself to give my testimony.  I know this is God's plan and have prayed that He would lead me. He showed me something this past week and I wish so much that I would have recorded this moment to share with others. 

Last week, I went to Odenville Middle School to hear Braden give a speech as to why he should be elected as SGA Senator. There were round 35 children from 6th-8th grade who stood up and gave some of the most eloquently written speeches. I sat amazed at how brave these young boys and girls were to stand before their entire student body and speak. 

There was one speech that really stood out to me though. It was from a 6th grader, who was visibly nervous and had forgotten her notes. She stood there and told the audience how nervous she was and how she was the girl who sat in the back of the class and never raised her hand because she was afraid of the attention. Tears started coming from her eyes as she said she woke up and prayed that God would give her the words to say. It may not have been the wittiest or most eloquent speech ever spoken, but what she said and her humble attitude not only caused most of the adults to cry, but also caused a standing ovation from the entire student body. Whether she wins the race she was running for or not....she became a winner in many eyes that day. She taught me an important lesson. She taught me that when you speak from your heart with a humble attitude and ask God to lead you, no matter if you are an expert speaker or not....He will use you. 

My prayer is to be used, not to stand there and make an eloquent presentation, but to give God the glory He deserves with the most humble heart I can possibly have.  I want people to see God, not me. Because if He is not the center....there is no point in me standing there.

Thank you God for using a sweet 6th grader to teach me yet another lesson. 

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